- Our Aim
- We Are
- Our Mission
Care for All
- Our Goal
On 26th December 2017, a roundtable conference on mental health was organized by Paripurnata Halfway Home in collaboration withJadavpur University to discuss the research findings of Mr.Mahendrasingh M Sengar (a social activist and researcher) on the subject of Status of Mental Health in West Bengal. It was attended by all prominent non-government organizations, academicians and researchers from Jadavpur and Calcutta University… Read More

What We Do
We train volunteers, create awareness campaigns, mobilize caregivers and NGO’s, and collaborate with
doctors, social workers and authorities to battle against mental health problems in West Bengal.
Awareness Campaign
Running awareness campaign on the subject of mental health at the community level.
Mobilize Caregivers
Mobilizing caregivers to where they are needed and and give them support & services.
What We Do
We train volunteers, create awareness campaigns, mobilize caregivers and NGO’s, and collaborate with
doctors, social workers and authorities to battle against mental health problems in West Bengal.
Running awareness campaign
on the subject of mental
health at the community level.
Mobilizing caregivers to where
they are needed and and give
them support & services.
Our Testimonials

News & Blogs
- 17 Aug 2018
- By Lakshmidhar Mishra
- 17 Aug 2018
- By Pratima Murthy
Mental illness represents a range of diverse conditions…
- 17 Aug 2018
- By Suresh Bada Math