On 26th December 2017, a roundtable conference on mental health was organized by Paripurnata Halfway Home in collaboration with Jadavpur University to disseminate the research findings of WBFMH founder Mr. Mahendrasingh M Sengar (a social activist and researcher) on the subject of ‘Status of Mental Health in West Bengal’.
Organised a Seminar on Trauma Informed Care for Counsellors and other caregivers of government and non-government institutions -2018
Prepared West Bengal Mental Health Care Rules 2019 to help the Department of Health and Family Welfare as a member of the committee constituted for the same.
Created the first documentary on Women and Mental Health and released on Women’s Day – 2021 – inaugurated by Sister Prema of Missionaries of Charity.
Conducted Capacity Building Trainings of Counsellors of Child Care Institutions and professional caregivers of Pavlov Hospital and Institute of Psychiatry on the subject of Introduction to Trauma Therapy in Practice – 2019
Provided assistance to persons with mental illness by creating the First Registered Drone of India made by persons with mental illness – 2021
Felicitated by the Government of Ukraine for showing support for them in the Russia-Ukraine war by creating t-shirts and other materials, and presenting it at the Embassy in New Delhi in 2022
Established handicrafts unit ‘Hather Srishti’ for the benefit of persons with mental illness in the year 2021
Created Mental Health Awareness Films on the following subjects = 2021-22